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The Mindful Acro Method

From this purchase page, you will have access to the online course in English.

What you will get :

  • Unlimited Access
  • 12 Softacrobatics broken down (+120 videos)
  • 1 Body Relaxation Protocol
  • 1 Module to create your own sequences
  • 1 Module to achieve 30 seconds of Handstand
  • 1 Module to become more mobile (10 exercises)
  • 1 Module to prepare your body for Softacrobatics (16 videos)
  • 8 articles to adopt the right mindset and stay consistent
  • 3 PDFs to organize your practice
  • 3 Ready-made Programs
  • Access to updates

By completing your order, you agree to our Terms and Conditions of Sale, including our refund policy. Please read them carefully before proceeding.

Fill in all the fields below before clicking on the paypal button otherwise the payment and the registration on the online school will not work.

Billing details

Product Subtotal
Softacrobatics course  × 1 289,00
Subtotal 289,00
Total 289,00