Softacrobatics Free Course Instructions

Welcome to the Softacrobatics Free Course.

Thank you for your interest in the work I offer 🙂

In this course, you will find 3 processes for 3 different movements: the Cartwheel, the Chapéu de Couro and the Star.

You will also find a typical warm-up before starting your session.

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How to train these 3 moves ?

The basic architecture I recommend for your practice session is:

Warm-up and work on the 3 movements one after the other in the same session.

The idea is to practice two (min) or three (max) sessions per week.

In your first session, try Step 1. If you are comfortable enough with this step you can move on to the next one.

Then, the idea is to do 15 repetitions of step 2 of the move of your choice. You alternate a rep on your right side and your left side. When you have done all your reps, train the second softacrobatic.

If we have to design the session, it would be like this:

0. Warm-up

A1. Cartwheel – Step 2 – 15 reps / each side
A2. Cartwheel – Step 3 – 2 reps / each side in a playful and exploring mood

This part of the workout (A2) is important because it will create what I call a priming effect. Your body will be better prepared in the future when you will work on the step 3 because at the end of your previous sessions you have tried it without mental pressure, in a playful state of mind and in a very limited number of rep.

B1. Chapéu de Couro – Step 2 -15 reps / each side
B2. Chapéu de Couro – Step 3 – 2 reps / each side in a playful and exploration state of mind (PRIMING EFFECT)

C1. Chapéu de Couro – Step 2 -15 reps / each side
C2. Chapéu de Couro – Step 3 – 2 reps / each side in a playful and exploration state of mind (PRIMING EFFECT)

When do you work on the next step?

I recommend working on one step for at least 4 sessions before moving on to the next one.

Once these 4 sessions have been completed, you move on to the next step if you are comfortable enough. If you are still not comfortable after 4 sessions, your body is not yet ready and needs more repetitions to master the step.

Processes are designed to make learning safe and in control.

You will find in the Softacrobatics Tree Skill topic : all the Softacrobatics on hands that I propose in the full course.

Have a good practice

Be patient and consistent ! 

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if you want specific feedback.


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